I'm currently looking at the replicas available for Milky Planet and Sugary Carnival as I'm in love with the prints but I know without quite a bit of saving I could never manage to purchase the real prints.
My boyfriend also took pity on my desperate need for a hobby and bought me a sewing machine.
It's adorable, it's only 17 stitches but it's the basics that I need to play around with while I become more comfortable with my sewing skills. I'm looking forwards to playing around with my tote of materials and my new sewing machine. I absolutely love it and my boyfriend.
Beyond all of that I'm looking to sell a jumper by Super Lovers. I originally bought it for Fairy Kei and just cannot seem to be comfortable in it because it's too long in the torso on me. I'm 5'0 tall so almost everything tends to be too long on me when it comes to rompers, jumpers, and bodysuits.
It's been worn by me once, shows no wear or tear what so ever. It's adorable but I just can't wear it.
I'd say it's a size Medium, stretchy, has adorable fuzzy heart pockets and a bear-ear hood. I'm looking to sell it for $60 shipped in the United States.
I'm really excited to build up my wardrobe, and now that I have a sewing machine I'll be able to make myself petticoats! That's going to be my next big sewing project, I just need to hit Fabric Depot tomorrow to do so.
Congrats on your start to lolita again! Those dresses are gorgeous btw, I especially love the second one. I think sweet lolita is adorable, but classic or gothic is more my own personal style. It's cool though cause my best friend is always more sweet lolita, so we go together, haha
And also 'grats on the sewing machine! I picked one up two summers ago to start into sewing, mainly for cosplay purposes. My boyfriend actually can sew better than I can, he's definitely the more three dimensional and crafty thinker and I'm the artistic illustrating one. But it's still really fun to learn!
Good luck with everything! :)
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