Unfortunately, I do have some bad news [in disguise?]. My boyfriend, myself, and two of our friends have taken on the task of moving to Portland, Oregon. Currently, that's about a four hour drive from where I live, so it's going to take a bit of work, a lot of money, and so forth. Which means that I desperately have to watch my spending and since the only thing I spend extra money on is Lolita, it's going to cut into my purchases for the next four months. We plan on moving in May, so we have the next few months to save up and plan, and if everything works out right then we'll be completely fine in doing so!
I am excited by this move, but that doesn't stop me from stressing out about having the funds to do so, which means I'm really going to buckle down and save and save as much as humanly possible. You might even see a sale or two pop up from me, depending on how desperate I get. Thankfully I have a really good support system in my friends, family, and my friends' families.
This is straying off the Lolita path however. I STILL plan on posting what I can of my orders and reviews, and this isn't going to kill me purchases entirely. They'll just be more thoughtfully done in a timely manner. --After my tax return, of course!
The ClobbaOnline order has been placed, the Bodyline order is still in effect, and wigs will be bought between now and May, but be patient with me! I've never been terribly good about doing things like this, I'm just a stresser. ILU guys, and I'm thinking about possibly doing a Puffy-Star giveaway in the future, just to kick start interactions on this blog.

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